Slides for my talks
I usually share the slide deck to my talks for people who attended the meetup/conference/whatever. Reach out if you have questions!
There are a few older ones that I didn't have anymore. If you're looking for one of them, please let me know.
My first time at FrankenJS and first time speaking since a long time!
First time speaking about as one of the showcased use-cases. We are always looking for people to test and integrate it.
- Decentralization with WebRTC - Inspiring Use-Cases - Lightning Talks April 2024 (video of my talk)
This was a shorter version of the one held at MunichJS Meetup.
- Dezentralisierung mit WebRTC - Inspirierende Use-Cases - German version of the lightning talk at the Bayerwald Hackathon.
This is the German version of the lightning talk at VirtualCoffee. Sounded like there were quite a few people feeling nostalgic when I mentioned different peer to peer software tools... ๐