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Visit the official puzzle page (affiliate link!) to play it yourself. If you buy a course from CSSBattle through my affiliate link, I receive a share of it!

Highlighted solution (171 characters)
<style>&{background:radial-gradient(1q,#F3AC3C 21q,#0000 0+30q,#F3AC3C 0 42q,#0000 0 53q,#998235 0 63q,#0000 0 76q,#F3AC3C 0 85q,#0000 0 99q,#F3AC3C 0 106q,#0000 0)#0E2E2C

This was quick, I tried golfing this time. Probably easier done with tools, but I didn't want to install unit-golf or similar things yet...

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