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Simply Square

Visit the official puzzle page (affiliate link!) to play it yourself. If you buy a course from CSSBattle through my affiliate link, I receive a share of it!

Highlighted solution (82 characters)
<style>*>*{background:conic-gradient(#b5e0ba,#b5e0ba)0 0/50%212q no-repeat,#5d3a3a
We haven't done this puzzle in the Frontend Friday folks, but I kind of like how it could be done... Looks like Meg knows how to save a character here though...!
Highlighted solution (69 characters)
<style>*>*{height:384;background:conic-gradient(#5d3a3a 75%,#b5e0ba 0
Finally got a smaller solution! The trick is to use height to get the body larger than usual and move the center of the conic-gradient down.
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