Welcome to Jörns page! 👋

It's another stab at building a homepage for myself. I don't want to spend much time maintaining a page. But I need a place where I can put up slides. And maybe some other content that I want to share for an extended period of time.

This time, it's built with SvelteKit.

... and I like comics.


Who are you? 🤔

I'm Jörn. A software engineer focused on building applications for the web.

What do you do? 🤔

I work at compose.us and our team builds digital services. That means we're building internal and external tools to make our customer's offerings more efficient and user friendly.

We are currently experimenting with building Flottform in public, so if you have feedback to our idea and implementation: Please let me know!

I'm helping to organize the JSCraftCamp, which is a two-day Barcamp / Open Space in Munich. You can attend it for free thanks to lots of sponsors. Every time I attend this event, I leave with new friends, professional contacts and much more knowledge than before. It took place on 07.-08. June 2024 at the Munich Kraftwerk this year. There will definitely be another one next year for sure!

For VirtualCoffee.io, I organize the "Frontend Friday Folks battling CSSBattle.dev" (affiliate link!), which is a place where people with all kind of levels in CSS proficiency learn something from each other. There are more people sharing their solutions in the VirtualCoffee discussions on GitHub.

...and since the Frontend Friday Folks is a really nice format, I've started something similar with JavaScript katas. You can join the JSCraftCamp Discord to attend these events.

Aside from work and tech related stuff, I like visiting poetry slams and draw pictures of the texts I'm hearing. For the local SprechAkt poetry slam, I contributed the homepage through our company.

Are you available for hire? 🤔

Usually, I work with my own team and we're building web applications. If you need assistance from senior developers to help you deliver high quality software while leveling up your own team, shoot me a message!

Why is this here again? 🤔

I needed a space where I could put slides for my talks online.

But I somehow started building a "real" web page...

I even started to write some articles about topics that were interesting for me.